On Thursday 4 October representatives of the industry gathered to discuss the recent national GCM clarification. A range of concerns were expressed regarding GCM upgrades on all sides. Currently there is no agreed test and no clear approval process, however it was agreed that if industry felt that there is demand for collective action to create a test or standard for GCM upgrades then we will consider it as a way forward.
AAAA would like to thank all those that attended the forum, it would not have been such a well-rounded discussion without the knowledge and information delivered by the presenters and the open and engaging attitudes of all that attended. With the aftermarket and 4WD industry’s support, AAAA are now able to take all of the information into consideration to determine the best way forward for GCM upgrades.
If you would like a copy of the notes from the forum please email elyse@aaaa.com.au.